![Offers Offers](/images/blog/bg-header-promotions2.jpg)
![Beach of Cala Sant Vicente](/images/ofertas/early-booking-2025.jpg)
Plan Ahead and Save with Hoposa Hotels!
Unlock exclusive savings and secure your dream vacation early with our Early Booking Discount for 2025.
If you book through our website you will receive a 7% discount on meals and drinks in all of the Hoposa establishments.
Enjoy a lovely welcome drink at your hotel bar upon arrival.
No need of paying a deposit, pay the full amount at the establishment. You will also get the most flexible cancellation policy booking with us.
Only if you book through our website.
* This 7% discount counts per booking and for your entire stay in the establishment where you are staying. This discount cannot be accumulated on other existing offers. Not valid for Hotel Illa d'Or
Plan Ahead and Save with Hoposa Hotels!
Unlock exclusive savings and secure your dream vacation early with our Early Booking Discount for 2025.
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